Mr. Arrington (TechCrunch) wrote a post today, titled "Why the Google-Yahoo Ad Deal Is Something to Fear". The post is the usual 'fear-of-the-evil-google-monopoly' piece we have seen on lots of blogs during the last 2 weeks...
However, one point he makes is worth 'translating'...
"...if Microsoft and Yahoo lose interest, we’ll be stuck with a monopoly, and the Internet will suffer..."
Well, the Internet has not and will NOT suffer from Google Mr. Arrington... The users have always been helped by Googles various free, open and innovative products. And be sure Mr. Arrington that they know who would surely turn into a search monopoly if only they could..
So, what you should have wrote is : "MY pocket will suffer, as I will slowly lose my even-now-limited power to play them against each other for a higher payout on MY blog.."
Not the users, not the Internet, but YOU...

I think he really means the content based internet will suffer. Doesn't mean google is hurting them directly, but that, without revenue from google ads, or with less of it, the content will suffer. And of course he's right--If you personally get less money from the adds on your page, you may not post as often.
I can understand what you are saying, and maybe if he said it like that, it would make some sense, even though it would still be all about his (or any other spoiled publisher) money.
But stating that "the internet will suffer" is totaly wrong in my opinion.
You and me are also part of the Internet, and in any given situation we win some (free products that make our lives easier) and might lose some (less posts, IF less money for blogs means less posts...)
And the part of how we must support M$ or be faced with a monopoly...
Try defending M$ and its a lost game... They would gladly be the next monopoly n search any given day...
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