But worry not, Mr. Arrington came to my rescue!
You know he loves bashing everything Google, right? And most of all Android, and its G1?
Well, his latest breathrough just hit my screen...
Apparently, a guy called Ulf Washbusch, who WAS up until recently a Product Marketing Manager for Google Mobile, is... trashing his ex-employer... and in particular the G1..
WOW! Michael! You just hit the jackpot! An ex-employee being nasty about the people who (probably) booted him??? AMAZING STUFF!
Apparently, Ulf has joined MySpace to run their mobile product operations... (good luck with this one!). Well, even Ballmer himself would immediately spot a not-so-nice-farewell from Google, through Ulfs ironies regarding the G1:
"it’s now available in Zune-brown along with white and black and the silly ‘with Google’ description on the back"
Whats next Michael, an interview with a...
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